Providing you a personalized roadmap to core & pelvic floor healing.
I am committed to educating, empowering, and advocating for women to expect better postpartum. Sex can and should be pleasurable; Diastasis and Prolapse are not life sentences to stop being active; it is not normal to leak urine because you’ve had a baby.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be common, but it isn’t normal - I can help you!
Work with Meghan
My Clinical Experience
I have been an occupational therapist since 2003, a massage therapist since 2007, and a myofascial release practitioner since 2012. I have spent the past five years immersed in education related to women’s core and pelvic floor health, offering workshops, and guest teaching at pelvic health courses. I also supported women experiencing symptoms of pelvic floor and core dysfunction, and through transitional times such as pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause, at an outpatient therapy clinic.
Pelvic Health Coursework
Holistic Treatment of the Postpartum Body and Holistic Treatment of the Pregnant Body (The Institute for Birth Healing,)
Advanced Treatment of the Postpartum Body ( The Institute for Birth Healing)
Pelvic Rehab Manual Assessment and Treatment Techniques Course ( Laura Rowan, Essential Pelvic Health),
Bowel Health and the GI System in the Post Natal Population (Susan Clinton PT, DScPT, OCS, WCS,COMT, FAAOMPT with Embodia)
The Upledger Institute Cranial Sacral Therapy Level 1 Workshop
OT Pioneers: Introduction to Pelvic Floor Therapy for Occupational Therapists (Lindsey Vestal MS OTR/L, The Functional Pelvis)
Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute: Pelvic Floor Therapy Level 1 Level 1
An OT Learning Intensive in Perinatal Health (Melissa Lapointe), Interstitial Cystitis: Holistic Evaluation and Treatment, (Nicole Cozean DPT Pelvic PT Rising)
Rectal Evaluation and Treatment (Nicole Cozaean DPT, Pelvic PT Rising)
Colorectal Manual Assessment and Treatment Techniques (Laura Rowan, OT/R)
Teacher Assistant and Guest instructor x 4 Pelvic Rehab Manual Assessment and Treatment Techniques Course ( Laura Rowan, Essential Pelvic Health)
Interstitial Cystitis: Holistic Evaluation and Treatment (Nicole Cozean DPT, Pelvic PT Rising)
Pudental Neuralgia and Complex Pelvic Pain Solutions (Tracy Cher DPT, Pelvic Guru Academy)
Pelvis Pro (Sarah Duvall DPT, Core Exercise Solutions)
Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist 2.0 (Sarah Duvall DPT, Core Exercise Solutions)
OT Elevate: The Biopsychosocial Approach to Colorectal Conditions (Lindsey Vestal MS/OTR/L, The Functional Pelvis)
Floor to Core: Mapping the Relationship. Coherently. (Lauren Ohayon and Dr. Courtney Conley, Pelvic Floor Education)
What the Psoas (Lauren Ohayon and Brea Johnson, Pelvic Floor Education)
Current Certifications
Restore your Core Teachers Training Certification ( Restore Your Core by Lauren Ohayon),
Body Ready Method
Certifications In Progress
Certified Birth Healing Practitioner ( The Institute for Birth Healing),
PCES 2.0 Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (Sarah Duvall DPT Core Exercises Solutions)
Myofascial Release Seminars:
Myofascial Release Seminars: Fascial Pelvis x 2, Rebounding, Cervical Thoracic, Women’s Health, Unwinding, MFR 1